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Propose a Restaurant

- Then you help us to help the restaurant you suggest!

In general, restaurants pay around 25-35% of their revenue to sell food online.

25-35% roughly corresponds to the profit they should have made from preparing and selling their food.

Instead, the money goes to those who mediate the sale.

We think that is wrong. And we also imagine that the takeaway prices could be lower if they didn't have to pay so much.

Therefore, the restaurants at TakeAwayKing can sell as much food as they want, without us charging a single percent in sales fee/commission.

- So help us help the restaurants!

Log in Here, to propose a Restaurant.

Want to register your own restaurant? Get Started Now

Now you can finally order food online with a clear conscience!

With TakeAwayKing the restaurants pay 0% i sales fees.

Elsewhere, they typically pay 25-35% of every order.

It's super easy! See here how to do it

Enter your location

Then we find restaurants etc. Nearby

Order what you feel like

Pizza, burger, sushi, salad or something else delicious

Collect or have it delivered

We will keep you updated until you have your food

Do you know the magic that can be with just the right menu?

That mmmhh magic?

- Yum.

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